Monday, 22 July 2013

Britain’s part in the UN’s disgraceful act of betrayal

Britain’s part in the UN’s disgraceful act of betrayal


We have colluded in the appalling treatment of thousands of defenceless Iranian dissidents living in exile in Iraq

5:48PM BST 20 Jul 2013
Last week, before the UN Security Council in New York, there unfolded the latest bizarre chapter in one of the most extraordinary stories I have ever followed in this column. Testifying to the council was Martin Kobler, who has just retired after two years as the special representative of the UN’s Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, in Iraq. But Mr Kobler stands accused of having colluded with the Iranian regime in a conspiracy to betray thousands of defenceless Iranian dissidents, who for years have been living in exile in Iraq, allowing scores of them to be murdered and leaving many hundreds injured.
The dissidents belonging to the People’s Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI), are part of the largest Iranian opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which has long been working for the replacement of the country’s ruthless religious dictatorship, under the Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, by a modern democracy. The Tehran regime looks on the NCRI as its most hated enemy, and none of its members have become more vulnerable than the 3,400 men and women who, from the early 1980s onwards, lived as exiles in a neat little town they built in the Iraqi desert, known as Camp Ashraf.
No sooner had the last US military forces left Iraq in 2009 than Tehran’s prime objective, with the full co-operation of the Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, was to eliminate those exiles who, in 2003, had each been given personal guarantees of their safety signed by a US general. First Camp Ashraf was subjected to murderous attacks by Iraqi troops acting with Iran’s notorious Quds forces. Then in 2011, they were tricked by Mr Kobler, acting as the UN’s special representative, into moving into a former US military base, ironically named “Camp Liberty”, which turned out to be no more than a hellish prison. Guarded night and day by armed thugs, without water or electricity, robbed of their belongings, they were subjected three more times to heavy mortar attacks – one only last month, leaving scores more dead and injured. All this was made possible, apparently, by Mr Kobler, one of whose senior aides was so outraged by the deceit involved that he last year resigned, giving chilling testimony to both the US Congress and the European Parliament.
What makes this story even more remarkable is the astonishing array of supporters the two sides have managed to recruit. Last month the head of the NCRI, Maryam Rajavi, was able to stage a vast rally in Paris attended not just by 100,000 Iranian exiles, but by an impressive array of political figures from 47 countries across the world, ranging from New York’s former mayor Rudy Giuliani to senior office-holders in the European Parliament – along with a galaxy of former top US officials, generals and lawyers.
Most disconcerting of all has been the part played in all this not just by the UN itself but also by the US State Department and our Foreign Office which, in defiance of the evidence, has continued to give Mr Kobler unquestioning support for all he has contributed to this shameful story.
When he appeared before the UN Security Council last Tuesday, his sanitised account of his record in Iraq was promptly condemned by Mrs Rajavi – backed by an abundance of documentary evidence – as no more than “ludicrous fabrications”, a wholesale betrayal of human rights, and “a stain on the record of the United Nations”. She warned that all the signs are that another murderous assault on Camp Liberty will not be long in coming. But what we in Britain should find most shocking of all is that our own government is still, in our name, prepared to give its full backing to what has been arguably the most disgraceful act of betrayal the United Nations has ever put its hand to.

حمایت امپریالیزم از دیکتاتوری مذهبی و جنایتکار و غارتگر و فعلا اشغالگر ایران


کسانیکه ناآگاهانه هنوز فکر میکنند دیکتاتوری مذهبی و جنایتکار و غارتگر و فعلا اشغالگر ایران مشغول "مبارزه علیه امپریالیزم" است بهتر است این مقاله از ساندی تلگراف را با دقت بخوانند. متن انگلیسی و لینک به مقاله را در زیر متن انگلیسی خواهید دید

نقش دولت بریتانیا در خیانت شرم آور سازمان ملل 

  ما در رفتار هولناک با هزاران نفر از مخالفان بي دفاع ايراني که در تبعيد در عراق زندگي مي کنند سهيم بوده ايم
به قلم کريستوفر بوکر

هفته گذشته، در مقابل شوراي امنيت سازمان ملل در نيويورک، جديدترين فصل عجيب و غريب در يکي از فوق العاده ترين ماجراهايي که من تاکنون در اين ستون شرح داده ام باز شد. شهادت دهنده در شورا مارتين کوبلر بود، که به تازگي پس از دو سال به عنوان نماينده ويژه دبيرکل سازمان ملل بان کيمون، در عراق كنار گذاشته شده است. اما آقاي کوبلر متهم است با رژيم ايران در يک توطئه خيانت به هزاران نفر از مخالفان بي دفاع ايراني، که براي سالها در تبعيد در عراق زندگي مي کنند همدست شده است و در نتيجه تعداد زيادي از آنها کشته و صدها نفر زخمي شوند.
مخالفان متعلق به مجاهدين خلق ايران، بخشي از بزرگترين گروه مخالفان ايران، شوراي ملي مقاومت ايران، هستند که مدتهاست براي جايگزيني ديکتاتوري بي رحمانه مذهبي اين کشور، تحت رهبري خامنه اي، با يک دموکراسي مدرن کار کرده است. رژيم تهران به شوراي ملي مقاومت به عنوان سخت ترين دشمن خود نگاه مي کند.
کمپ اشرف مورد حملات مرگبار توسط نيروهاي عراقي که با سپاه بدنام قدس ايران کار مي کردند قرار گرفت. سپس در سال 2011، آنها توسط آقاي کوبلر، به عنوان نماينده ويژه سازمان ملل متحد فريب خوردند، که به يک پايگاه سابق ارتش ايالات متحده، از قضا با نام "کمپ ليبرتي"، بروند که معلوم شد بيش از يک زندان جهنمي نيست، محاصره شده توسط اراذل و اوباش مسلح، به صورت شبانه روزي، بدون آب يا برق، با وسايل به سرقت رفته، آنها سه بار مورد حملات سنگين خمپاره قرار گرفتند، يکي همين ماه گذشته، که تعداد زيادي کشته و مجروح برجاي گذاشت. ظاهراً همه اينها، توسط آقاي کوبلر، ممکن گرديد به طوري که يکي از دستياران ارشدش آنچنان از اين فريب خشمگين شد که سال گذشته استعفا داد، و شهادت تکان دهنده اي به کنگره آمريکا و پارلمان اروپا ارائه کرد.
آنچه اين ماجرا را باز هم شگفت آورتر مي کند، طيف قابل توجهي از هواداران است که توانسته اند بکار گيرند. ماه گذشته رئيس شوراي ملي مقاومت، مريم رجوي، توانست يک تظاهرات گسترده در پاريس با حضور نه فقط 100000تبعيديان ايراني، بلکه با گستره چشمگيري از چهره هاي سياسي از 47کشور در سراسر جهان، اعم از شهردار سابق نيويورک رودي جولياني تا صاحب منصبان ارشد در پارلمان اروپا - همراه با يک کهکشان از مقامات سابق ارشد، ژنرالها و وکلاي آمريکايي برگزار کند. 
نگران کننده تر از همه، نقشي بوده که نه تنها توسط خود سازمان ملل متحد، بلکه توسط وزارت امور خارجه ايالات متحده و وزارت امور خارجه ما که در سرپيچي از شواهد، به حمايت بي چون و چرا از آقاي کوبلر به خاطر همه کاري که براي اين داستان شرم آور کرده، ادامه داده است. 
وقتي او سه شنبه گذشته در مقابل شوراي امنيت سازمان ملل متحد ظاهر شد تا سابقه اش در عراق  را پاك كند، به درستي به سرعت توسط خانم رجوي - با پشتوانه فراواني از شواهد مستند - به عنوان «دروغهاي ساختگي مضحک»، خيانت عمده به حقوق بشر، و «لکه اي در سابقه سازمان ملل متحد» محکوم شد. مريم رجوي هشدار داد همه نشانه ها بيانگر اين هستند که طولي نخواهد كشيد تا يک حمله مرگبار ديگر به کمپ ليبرتي صورت بگيرد. اما آنچه که ما در بريتانيا بايد تکان دهنده ترين بيابيم اين است که دولت ما، به نام ما، آماده حمايت کامل از چيزي است كه مسلماً ننگين ترين خيانت سازمان ملل متحد است كه تا به حال به آن دست زده است. 

Britain’s part in the UN’s disgraceful act of betrayal


We have colluded in the appalling treatment of thousands of defenceless Iranian dissidents living in exile in Iraq

5:48PM BST 20 Jul 2013
Last week, before the UN Security Council in New York, there unfolded the latest bizarre chapter in one of the most extraordinary stories I have ever followed in this column. Testifying to the council was Martin Kobler, who has just retired after two years as the special representative of the UN’s Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, in Iraq. But Mr Kobler stands accused of having colluded with the Iranian regime in a conspiracy to betray thousands of defenceless Iranian dissidents, who for years have been living in exile in Iraq, allowing scores of them to be murdered and leaving many hundreds injured.
The dissidents belonging to the People’s Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI), are part of the largest Iranian opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which has long been working for the replacement of the country’s ruthless religious dictatorship, under the Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, by a modern democracy. The Tehran regime looks on the NCRI as its most hated enemy, and none of its members have become more vulnerable than the 3,400 men and women who, from the early 1980s onwards, lived as exiles in a neat little town they built in the Iraqi desert, known as Camp Ashraf.
No sooner had the last US military forces left Iraq in 2009 than Tehran’s prime objective, with the full co-operation of the Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, was to eliminate those exiles who, in 2003, had each been given personal guarantees of their safety signed by a US general. First Camp Ashraf was subjected to murderous attacks by Iraqi troops acting with Iran’s notorious Quds forces. Then in 2011, they were tricked by Mr Kobler, acting as the UN’s special representative, into moving into a former US military base, ironically named “Camp Liberty”, which turned out to be no more than a hellish prison. Guarded night and day by armed thugs, without water or electricity, robbed of their belongings, they were subjected three more times to heavy mortar attacks – one only last month, leaving scores more dead and injured. All this was made possible, apparently, by Mr Kobler, one of whose senior aides was so outraged by the deceit involved that he last year resigned, giving chilling testimony to both the US Congress and the European Parliament.
What makes this story even more remarkable is the astonishing array of supporters the two sides have managed to recruit. Last month the head of the NCRI, Maryam Rajavi, was able to stage a vast rally in Paris attended not just by 100,000 Iranian exiles, but by an impressive array of political figures from 47 countries across the world, ranging from New York’s former mayor Rudy Giuliani to senior office-holders in the European Parliament – along with a galaxy of former top US officials, generals and lawyers.
Most disconcerting of all has been the part played in all this not just by the UN itself but also by the US State Department and our Foreign Office which, in defiance of the evidence, has continued to give Mr Kobler unquestioning support for all he has contributed to this shameful story.
When he appeared before the UN Security Council last Tuesday, his sanitised account of his record in Iraq was promptly condemned by Mrs Rajavi – backed by an abundance of documentary evidence – as no more than “ludicrous fabrications”, a wholesale betrayal of human rights, and “a stain on the record of the United Nations”. She warned that all the signs are that another murderous assault on Camp Liberty will not be long in coming. But what we in Britain should find most shocking of all is that our own government is still, in our name, prepared to give its full backing to what has been arguably the most disgraceful act of betrayal the United Nations has ever put its hand to.


Saturday, 13 July 2013

وزیر خارجه عراق خواستار کمک کشورهای جهان برای توقف ارسال تسلیحات توسط رژیم تروریستی ایران به دیکتاتور سوریه شد

 Iraq foreign minister asks Western countries to help stop the Iranian terrorist regime from sending arms to the Syrian dictator

وزیر خارجه عراق با محکوم کردن ارسال تسلیحات توسط رژیم آخوند-پاسداران تروریست به دیکتاتور خون آشام سوریه، از کشورهای غربی خواست که به عراق کمک کنند تا جلوی این اقدام غیرقانونی و ضدبشری رژیم ایران را بگیرند